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Monday, April 18, 2011


Look at me, all writing an update on monday when I'm supposed to! :)

I did a bootcamp/jump-start week. It was rough, and probably not the healthiest thing I could have done, but I think I needed to do something drastic to get me back on track. I ate very little. I tried to stick to about 15-18 points a day, I worked out 6/7 days this week (and now my feet are sore!!) but I did what I set out to do! I hit -70! Crazy. Feels good to finally make a new mark on the board though.

I'm kind of disappointed I haven't made it into 14s quite yet. I definitely thought I would be by now. Maybe it was just the pair I tried on, but... still too small. But maybe I'll try again in a few pounds. I'm starting to walk again, so my lower body should be catching up with my upper soon, I hope.

Lastly, I think I'm going to kick up to losing 100lbs. I want to at least be in a 12 by the end of this and I thought I would be safe on that by 160, but it's not shaping up to be that way, so I shall press on. hopefully things will move a little quicker now. Feels good to be in the best shape of my life though. :)

Total Loss: -70/100

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hey everyone (no one)!

I know I know, I suck at this. It has been such a huge struggle over the past few months. between stress over moving, my boyfriend visiting and lady times, I have been lucky that i've maintained. I'm getting back on track though. I actually stayed within my points yesterday, which was... sadly, pretty exciting for me. I've been doing good with water though, so I think that's been a big help. I'm really thinking i'm getting back to a good place now, so hopefully the next time I update I can actually say I've lost something!! It would be SO nice to finally mark something off on my bathroom whiteboard. The last time I did was in January so it's kind of frustrating as I was going REALLY well, monthly losing 5 lbs. But it's never too late to get back on track! :) I'm eager and motivated to keep going. It's getting warmer, so hopefully i'll get myself back out on the trail, though for now i'm hitting up flat abs like it's my job just to get a jump start.