Hiatus is OVER! Posting before Monday, but whatever, right? I don't know why, but I didn't want to post until I had lost the weight I gained over my summer adventures. Which, before I left I was at -33, I believe. I hit that about 2 weeks ago and I was frustrated a little bit because I wasn't going anywhere. I ate less, a lot less than I should have been and wasn't losing. So last week I kinda gave up on that and ate like a normal human (on a WW diet) and poof. I start losing. Simply proving that starving yourself isn't healthy and doesn't do anything for your weight (at least, not for a while, I guess) and makes you cranky and tired. Heck I made pumpkin cookies and I've been eating those and still lost weight... not that I'm going to make that a habit.
Anyway, Deonna and I decided to buckle down and start walking again. It's still nasty hot and humid, but whatever. We both need to get back out there on the trail. 2 miles is still too little for me though, so if I can get myself out there, back to the 4+ miles! Gosh, I can walk forever!
So, as a good start back into the blog, I am at -35!!!!!! YAY!!! I am less than 10 lbs away from being under 200 and I cannot tell you how excited I am and motivated I am to keep it up :D
Total loss: -35/80 (almost half way!!!)