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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Whoop whoop!

It's Sunday, I know. But I knew I wouldn't get here tomorrow, so here I am!
Lets see... I had been thinking about my scale. I know it weighs me over, and I think, for a time I had been generous with how much I was taking off. Not by a lot mind you. Ok, maybe a bit. But anyway, I'm trying to be more honest about the actually reality of my weight loss. Last week, I lost about 4lbs. This week, I lost about 3. Well, mind you, I gained quite a bit of weight over the first half of the year. But I am actually losing weight again now. (from where my marker is) and so I'll say to you that this week I dropped just 1lb, bringing me to -64!
I'm so excited though. I'm looking good again, and I'm feeling SO much more confidant. *hopefully* I will hit -65 next monday!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Well. Well. Ugh. I'm still at -63, but I suppose that's not a bad thing as I've been doing zumba and hopefully gaining a little muscle back. Still, I'm going to do my best to not get discouraged and keep at it. :)
None the less, I need to do my weekly updates!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Diet: Restart.

Ok. ok. I feel like such a big diet failure here. A whole year of being a Weight Watchers success story and then 7 months of it slowly dying. I have spent the past month trying different techniques to get myself back into the groove of things, and well... I think I finally did. I have made myself an elaborate chart (without going stupidly overboard) to make sure I...
1. Workout 5 times a week (5 little blanks to check off)
2. Drink 20 cups of water everyday (I tried taking it down to 15... but it didn't cut it for me. I am sincerely bizarre.)
3. Stay within my daily points (which atm, is 24, but going down to 23 very soon. Boo.)

Of course, I also have my trusty notebook on my desk where I jot down my accumulating points. I was never able to do the whole "I ate____, and ______" I just write down numbers and move on. If I'm writing for the future of my day I'll note that it's for dinner, or drinks, etc. but even then I usually know.

I'm almost back to -65, and should be by monday if all goes well. :)

Hi, I'm Jane, I'm a stress, boredom, emotional eating addict. I will kick this. I will be seen and unhidden by this layer of fat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I will conquer this!

Oh my goodness, I'm back again. How many months has it been?
Well I've moved with my parents to Georgia, and it is a beautiful state, I really have to admit, but it's huge! But hearing about that is not why you're here.
In January things started to go crazy personally and socially. My routine of good workout and diet... died. In April things for the move started going full steam and I really couldn't work out very much and with that diet remained dead.
Well, I come to you ~5 lbs gained, a lot of muscle lost, and incredibly untone (well, as tone as one can be with this much flab hanging off them) I'm so eager, so incredibly motivated to get back into gear. I don't want to snack, I don't want to eat a lot, I want to work out like a crazy fitness junkie! (and those who have been around me lately can vouch that this is all true)
I still have a bit more of summer to get through where people will expect me to eat and not work out... I'm going to do my best to stay with it as best I can before my friend beats me up for "starving myself". Also, I'm going to Alabama to meet my boyfriend's family at the end of the month, so thats a different story all together. I will eat whatever they put in front of me (as long as it doesn't make me vomit :D)
So, long story short, hiatus is almost over, but I'm working hard when I can, to get jump started back into this thing!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Look at me, all writing an update on monday when I'm supposed to! :)

I did a bootcamp/jump-start week. It was rough, and probably not the healthiest thing I could have done, but I think I needed to do something drastic to get me back on track. I ate very little. I tried to stick to about 15-18 points a day, I worked out 6/7 days this week (and now my feet are sore!!) but I did what I set out to do! I hit -70! Crazy. Feels good to finally make a new mark on the board though.

I'm kind of disappointed I haven't made it into 14s quite yet. I definitely thought I would be by now. Maybe it was just the pair I tried on, but... still too small. But maybe I'll try again in a few pounds. I'm starting to walk again, so my lower body should be catching up with my upper soon, I hope.

Lastly, I think I'm going to kick up to losing 100lbs. I want to at least be in a 12 by the end of this and I thought I would be safe on that by 160, but it's not shaping up to be that way, so I shall press on. hopefully things will move a little quicker now. Feels good to be in the best shape of my life though. :)

Total Loss: -70/100

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hey everyone (no one)!

I know I know, I suck at this. It has been such a huge struggle over the past few months. between stress over moving, my boyfriend visiting and lady times, I have been lucky that i've maintained. I'm getting back on track though. I actually stayed within my points yesterday, which was... sadly, pretty exciting for me. I've been doing good with water though, so I think that's been a big help. I'm really thinking i'm getting back to a good place now, so hopefully the next time I update I can actually say I've lost something!! It would be SO nice to finally mark something off on my bathroom whiteboard. The last time I did was in January so it's kind of frustrating as I was going REALLY well, monthly losing 5 lbs. But it's never too late to get back on track! :) I'm eager and motivated to keep going. It's getting warmer, so hopefully i'll get myself back out on the trail, though for now i'm hitting up flat abs like it's my job just to get a jump start.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Come On, You Can Do It!

So I have been very mad at my weekly updates (except my occasional thursday post) but I promise I'll get better. I've just been a little frustrated. Mostly with myself.

I've been rather idle lately, due to the cold, renovators wandering around my house, add more excuses if you like. But anyway, I spend a lot of time watching TV or DVDs... and I'm a muncher, so while I'm watching I like to snack so thats been throwing me off, even though I'm not doing TERRIBLY, I still end up going 4-5 points over my daily allotment (23) so the next day I get frustrated.

I've been working out when I can, which as I said, with renovators wandering around my house all the time (no joke.) and I never know exactly when they're coming (usually around 11, but they've come at 9:30a, 2pm, 12pm.. you get the picture. Can't pin point them) I can't zumba... because I'm just not doing that with people in the house. But! On the bright side, it's getting warmer outside, so I've been walking the trail on days the weather isn't bad and I have the time. :) I also find that on days I've worked out, I'm more motivated to do everything else right according to my diet.

You know, it's discouraging that such a short time not being on a diet can so disrupt my diet-life in general. And it legit terrifies me that I could lose it. I've gotten so far and conquered so many aspects of my being. Although I find it kind of ironic that I would lose it at the same weight where I lost it before. Another barrier to break, eh? This is the hardest one yet.