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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Come On, You Can Do It!

So I have been very mad at my weekly updates (except my occasional thursday post) but I promise I'll get better. I've just been a little frustrated. Mostly with myself.

I've been rather idle lately, due to the cold, renovators wandering around my house, add more excuses if you like. But anyway, I spend a lot of time watching TV or DVDs... and I'm a muncher, so while I'm watching I like to snack so thats been throwing me off, even though I'm not doing TERRIBLY, I still end up going 4-5 points over my daily allotment (23) so the next day I get frustrated.

I've been working out when I can, which as I said, with renovators wandering around my house all the time (no joke.) and I never know exactly when they're coming (usually around 11, but they've come at 9:30a, 2pm, 12pm.. you get the picture. Can't pin point them) I can't zumba... because I'm just not doing that with people in the house. But! On the bright side, it's getting warmer outside, so I've been walking the trail on days the weather isn't bad and I have the time. :) I also find that on days I've worked out, I'm more motivated to do everything else right according to my diet.

You know, it's discouraging that such a short time not being on a diet can so disrupt my diet-life in general. And it legit terrifies me that I could lose it. I've gotten so far and conquered so many aspects of my being. Although I find it kind of ironic that I would lose it at the same weight where I lost it before. Another barrier to break, eh? This is the hardest one yet.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time For a Come Back!

Well, in preparation for my family's upcoming move to Georgia, we have a painter giving us a rough estimate of sorts. I'm exiled into another room in the house so I figured now would be as good a time as any to write the return entry (so ya'll know I haven't given up yet and so I can fess up)

Its been a rough couple months as far as my diet goes. I've been longing for the warm weather, to get back on the trail. I love zumba and all but I really long for my long walks. And if anyone knows about the north east this winter, you know it's been bad. for about 1.5 miles it's cleared and plowed, but from there on it's not. So even though a lot of our snow is gone, there's a lot of ice over there still, so it might be a while before its gone. I may end up just braving it. I can't just walk in circles over the mile-half. I might as while walk on my treadmill :p

So while I was in Vancouver I found it all too easy to fall into my old snacking habits. Into the "Oh, I'm on vacation, I can let it slide." I hate that. Now that I'm back, I've been having a hard time getting back into my old routines. So far i've been working out every other day because the days in between I've been letting my body chill. Next week i'll try to kick things up again though. I was able to do flat abs twice yesterday, which was good, and while I'm not sore today, i'm really stiff. I need to book an appointment to my chiropractor. So I think getting out to walk will be good for me soon...
But on the other hand, I have had about two days where I've actually stayed on my points. I am allowed 23, and that's not a lot (compared to the 30 I started with) and I've been kinda idle lately and watching a lot of TV and whatever, and i'm an snacker when I watch things so thats not good... but I'm thinking I'll get things back in order this month and all will be well! I will once again become the diet nazi I was and try to *not* starve myself rather than eat too much.

Ah, in conclusion, I've gained about 4lbs since we last spoke, i'm not sure if any of that is bloating, but there it is. 4lbs. Grumble. But it's time to get serious again. Return to the old strategy of eating as little as possible so I can eat at night :p it's not ideal, but thats where it is. Hello, my name is Jane and I'm a nighttime snacker. *shrug* I'll see ya'll monday.