I've been trying to deny it ever since I woke up. I can't believe it. -44. Look at me, I can barely talk about it. 199. Me.
This is SO freakin' exciting! And I'm surprised how in denial I am about it too. "No. That can't be right." as it's staring me in the face on the scale. Wow!!! Now, what did I do differently this week? Oh. A ton of things.
1)I decided it was time to increase my walking distance. I'm walking further and faster so I really had no excuse not to push myself. I started walking 5 miles and it takes me about 90 minutes. I don't know if that's good or not for someone like me who has stubs for legs. haha
2)I started eating breakfast. I would try to eat breakfast sometimes, but this week I decided it was time to really START. Of course, I never eat breakfast, so this was a lot harder than you'd think. I never would have something more than 2 points... but I tried to eat 2 points. along with my 2 points of coffee.
3)I actually ate most, if not all my points worth everyday. I can have 26 (now 25) points and during my time trying to eat only 20 (the weight watchers lowest you should eat.) and it occurred to me that I have that many points for a reason. It's not a bad thing to eat all my points. I'm supposed to. So I have been. I wonder how many phases of trying to "eat less to lose faster" it's going to take before I realize that doesn't work.
4)I'm teaching myself to snack on veggies. It's not like I don't adore some veggies enough to snack on them. Last sunday I bought myself this container of carrot sticks (because they were so stinkin' cute) and it just totally put me on this streak. So I've been eating like that at night which definitely works for me. So much better than what I was doing.
And of course, I have everyone who's been supporting me to thank too. :) Without your constant encouragement I couldn't do this. I don't think I talk too much about my struggles (and I do. Oh I do.) and you all show so much love and support and it helps more than I can explain.
I have not been at this weight since... 2004ish? (sadly, that was on the way of gaining too.) So this is like... starting a new journey. I know things are only going to get harder from here. And there will be a ton of things working against me in the foreseeable future. But I'm excited!
Total Weight Loss: -44/80