It's Sunday, I know. But I knew I wouldn't get here tomorrow, so here I am!
Lets see... I had been thinking about my scale. I know it weighs me over, and I think, for a time I had been generous with how much I was taking off. Not by a lot mind you. Ok, maybe a bit. But anyway, I'm trying to be more honest about the actually reality of my weight loss. Last week, I lost about 4lbs. This week, I lost about 3. Well, mind you, I gained quite a bit of weight over the first half of the year. But I am actually losing weight again now. (from where my marker is) and so I'll say to you that this week I dropped just 1lb, bringing me to -64!
I'm so excited though. I'm looking good again, and I'm feeling SO much more confidant. *hopefully* I will hit -65 next monday!